Science Grades 5-8: Policies and Procedures

Science Policies and Procedures

Grading: All assignments are of equal value (weight) in science class.
Methods of Evaluation: Homework, lab reports, lab activities and questions, classwork, tests, and quizzes.

Late Assignments: The following procedures will be implemented when an assignment is turned in late.

  1. Assignments turned in one day late will receive a 70.
  2. Assignments turned in two or more days late will receive a 50.
  3. Assignments not turned in three days before the quarter ends will receive a zero. There will be no late work accepted after that time.

Absence Policy: Anytime a student is absent it is THEIR responsibility upon returning to school to discuss with the teacher what they missed while absent. Appropriate time will be given to the student to make up the work.

Behavior: RESPECT.  This word is one of the first words my students hear and see from me at the beginning of the school year. It is the foundation regarding my expectations of the students and we discuss this frequently during the school year. Everything is based around this one word.

"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater."
